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Award Winning Project

Exotic Dimensions

"An epic musical undertaking of the highest order!" ~Vents Magazine~

"Desert Heat is full of fun, fantastic, virtuosic performances over some plush orchestration. A great sound world to be transported to!"

~Christopher Tin~
2 times Grammy winner and 3 times Grammy nominee

"This is a highly evocative piece...~a complete sonic journey and will enthrall those with a penchant for world music."

      ~The Ark of Music~

Flickers Rhode Island International Film Festival - 2022.png
SHORT to the Point - 2022.png
Gothamite Monthly Film Festivals - 2022.png
Prague Music Video Awards - 2022.png
Best Composer_Winner - Budapest Film Festival - 2022.png
Best Art Film-Winner - Tokyo International Monthly Film Festival - 2022.png
New York International  Film Awards - 2022.png
LAVA Film Festival - 2022.png
Popcorn Roulette film festival - 2022.png
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A Maiden Made Not of Clay  



Lyric by Daniel Shkolnik


*(In the bible, it is said that human being was made of clay. )




Verse 1

I do remember

long ago, far away 

I met a maiden made

of something other than clay


Then when the spring arrived

Seeds and rain, flowers became.

Winds blew the grasses ‘round 

and bent them with dew.

Chorus 1

When the cold cut the air

my love danced on autumn leaves

with her golden jangling bangles 

all a-ringing on her sleeves.


When the snow did arrive

our cheeks brushed beneath the furs.

Knowing that the war was soon to come         

we were glad to be alive.


Verse 2  

Peace comes on slowly

the fires of war, dying down.

The soldier is lonely

alone on dark ground.


Seasons have slipped off

where they go, I can’t know.

Memories visit me

from long, long ago:


Chorus 2


When the cold cut the air

my love danced on autumn leaves

with her golden jangling bangles 

all a-ringing on her sleeves.


When the snow did arrive

our cheeks brushed beneath the furs.

Knowing that the war was soon to come 

we were glad to be alive.


Chorus 3


I recall long ago

when we shared the same soul

running through the bursting flower beds

each morning.


Then came stars

Then came birds

Then came dawn without a word,

greeting each and every living thing

with blessings.


Ohhhhhh let go.

Memory is but a mockery

I tell thee.


Goooooo homeward

Loosening the strings upon my harp

I play it no more.


Loosening the strings upon my harp

I play it no more.


Loosening the strings upon my harp

I play it no more

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